This is my most recent itinerary: 
I've been invited to speak at the Luxury Real Estate Conference in Cannes France. 

The conference is on Wednesday, with an evening cocktail on Tuesday.

Living on Vancouver Island, and having to contend with the horrendous service of Air Canada, I decided it was safer to go over to Vancouver (YVR)the day before. I should not have to do this (in an ideal world I would just fly from Nanaimo at 6:30 AM the day of but Air Canada from Nanaimo is just so unreliable I can't risk it. So I'm forced to go an entire day before and pay an extra $500 for a hotel room in the airport. 

The weather is not great, so I am taking an early harbor air flight. My flight leaves at 11:30 AM PST On "Sunday".

For the rest of my itinerary, I…

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Lessons from a $5,580 Duo Lingo Challenge

Do you love to learn languages? I know I do! It's fun, challenging and since my family travels so much it also makes visiting other countries even more fun. I use Duo Lingo... it's hands down the best app out there (currently studying Spanish). 

It was actually my youngest daughter Ariyah that turned me on to the app. Many of her friends at her school were using it and they were bragging about how many days their streak was, what their ranking was, and all sorts of other really healthy and positive sentiments.

Gamification really works! 

When I saw how into Duo Lingo these kids were I thought to myself... hmmm I think there might be an opportunity here to take advantage of this fun trend and use it to…

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How to think about your next 3 years in pro-tech if you want to raise or sell. 

I wrote this blog in the hope that I can help some of the emerging prop-tech companies understand the current cycle of real estate and how they might want to think about their business over the next 3 years.

This article is especially relevant for entrepreneurs looking to raise funding or secure an exit (ie, sell) their prop tech businesses in the next few years. 

The real estate market SUCKS right now! 

Sales volume and units sold are down pretty much everywhere. High-interest rates and no inventory are creating the perfect storm of terrible for Realtors® and this is leading to many agents leaving the business. For those that remain, (agents, teams, and…

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As I head home from a fantastic visit here in Bali Indonesia I am filled with gratitude.

The country is so beautiful and its people are simply the kindest most attentive culture I have encountered.

I was fortunate to have my wife Carly Carey join me on this adventure and we have seen so many epic places. Pristine beaches, a monkey forest and a Hindu statue that seemed to touch the sky. 

This great adventure was made possible by an invitation for me to speak here in Nusa Dua by Leading Real Estate Companies Of The World (LeadingRE). My topic: Human Assisted Artificial Intelligence and search engine marketing for real estate. One of my favorite subjects. 

LeadingRE Global Events: (A must-attend)

If you have not attended a LeadingRe Global…

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I often talk about how much I value social media platforms like Youtube or Facebook because they allow us to publish a record of where we were at that time in our lives.

You can always go back and find an amazing memory, a kind moment, a feeling. It's like an online gratitude journal. 

Memories show us how far we've come. 

The other thing I love about social media memories is we can look back at where we were and see how far we've come. 

I was never a piano player but decided to pick it up late in life.

I came across this memory from 4 years ago (learning the song Zombie by the cranberries) and it made me happy.

Not only does music have the gift of instantly being able to transport you back to a moment, but I am reminded of just how far…

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Will AI Change How We Market In Real Estate?

Does anyone else feel like AI's moment has finally arrived? Will artificial intelligence finally become a valuable tool in marketing and in our lives?

With all of the hype around ChatCPT, it certainly seems that way. 

As I sit down to write this post, I am reminded of Morpheus in the Matrix when he said ...

"We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI" 

It was an epic moment that captivated a generation. If you've seen the movie though, you know how that ended up for them. 

Is AI about to end the world of marketing as we know it? 

Definitely not. But this seems to be the fear of so many marketers out there. AI is somehow going to replace humans and our place in the…

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As I prepare to leave my hotel room here in Barcelona Spain after speaking at the luxury real estate symposium (which was AWESOME!) my thoughts turn to my next event.

Inman New York 2023

It's a bit of a grind to there this time (no idea why I did it this way, I guess I'm just a travel masochist) 

My route to New York is: 

From Barcelona to Frankfurt > Frankfurt to Vancouver > Vancouver to Nanaimo

I land in Nanaimo around 3 PM, and I fly out at 6 AM the next day (15 hours to change suitcases, kiss my wife, snuggle my dogs, give my daughter the Manga I bought her in Spain) and... hopefully sleep a few hours before I have to leave again. 

Inman New York, will it ever be the same again?

That is the question I'm asking myself.

Inman used to…

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What a way to start the year! Barcelona, Spain! 

BLogs Blogs Blogs

Tomorrow I take the stage to deliver a talk to the Luxury Real Estate global group of partners on real estate SEO. 

But before that, I get to explore one of my favorite cities in the whole world. Barcelona! 

Why is Barcelona so special to me? 

When my son turned 18 I told him... 
"Pick anywhere in the world that you can have a legal beer" (it was still 19 in BC where we live, so we needed to hit the road) 

The trip he chose ended up being (and still is to this day) the best trip of my life. 

We went to Paris, France. We went to Rome, Italy. 

But we STARTED in Barcelona! 

What a trip we had.....
We ate amazing meals.
We danced. We sang. 
We got lost at 4AM 

It was…

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