Lessons from a $5,580 Duo Lingo Challenge

Do you love to learn languages? I know I do! It's fun, challenging and since my family travels so much it also makes visiting other countries even more fun. I use Duo Lingo... it's hands down the best app out there (currently studying Spanish). 

It was actually my youngest daughter Ariyah that turned me on to the app. Many of her friends at her school were using it and they were bragging about how many days their streak was, what their ranking was, and all sorts of other really healthy and positive sentiments.

Gamification really works! 

When I saw how into Duo Lingo these kids were I thought to myself... hmmm I think there might be an opportunity here to take advantage of this fun trend and use it to…

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How to think about your next 3 years in pro-tech if you want to raise or sell. 

I wrote this blog in the hope that I can help some of the emerging prop-tech companies understand the current cycle of real estate and how they might want to think about their business over the next 3 years.

This article is especially relevant for entrepreneurs looking to raise funding or secure an exit (ie, sell) their prop tech businesses in the next few years. 

The real estate market SUCKS right now! 

Sales volume and units sold are down pretty much everywhere. High-interest rates and no inventory are creating the perfect storm of terrible for Realtors® and this is leading to many agents leaving the business. For those that remain, (agents, teams, and…

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